Ratha yatra

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Krishna's Mercy

Krishna is not ungrateful but rather He sees all our efforts and appreciates our sincere service. Krishna is interested in how we engage our energies in His service. We are very small, very insignificant, so what can we do? Simply He wants to see that we are engaging our time and energy in His service. And you always remember to abide by the laws of Krishna as described by His bona fide representative, and the passage of going back to Godhead is assured. This is Krishna's Mercy.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Devananda, Los Angeles, November 23, 1968

Material Consciousness

srila prabhupada quotes
As a mass of clouds does not know the powerful influence of the wind, a person engaged in material consciousness does not know the powerful strength of time factor, by which he is being carried.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Krishna's Grace

When we remember to always have unflinching faith in the spiritual master and the message of Krishna,we are automatically freed from the attack of Maya. In the material concept also everyone is trying to avoid the onslaughts of Maya but without any success. To the sincere devotee, however, this ocean of Maya is easily crossed by the cool breeze of Krishna's Grace.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Shyamasundara, Los Angeles, November 24, 1968

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Power of Krishna Name

srila prabhupada quotes 
The name of Krishna is as powerful as Lord Krishna Himself. There is no difference at all. Anyone, therefore, can take advantage of the holy names of Lord Sri Krishna even in the midst of greatest dangers.

Drabyamulyena Suddhati

There is a verse in Vedic literature, Drabyamulyena Suddhati. The source of receipt of the thing, may be not very good, but if one pays for it, it becomes purified. So, vegetable diet when it is paid for, you can offer it in your mind to Krishna and take it. But this Drabya means eatables, and eatables meaning vegetables, grains, milk, flowers, fruits; meat is not considered an eatable—it is considered untouchable. Just like if somebody purchases some stool, that does not mean it is now purified. So meat is like that... And this  Drabyamulyena Suddhati is only in special cases like this. It is not to be done ordinarily, or unless in special circumstance. We should prepare our own foodstuff and offer as much as possible, of course.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Brahmananda, (Seattle, October 6, 1968)

To Make Spiritual Advancement

In this age no one is able to remain aloof from the general human society. Therefore one need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement. Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Centers; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest. Krishna Consciousness is possible when one is in association of devotees.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Kulashekara, (Los Angeles, January 21, 1969)

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Attaining Highest Perfection

srila prabhupada

One is called a faithful man who thinks that, simply by acting in Krishna consciousness, he can attain the highest perfection.

Krishna's Service

Simply engage yourself in Krishna's service. That will protect you from any attack of maya. Maya can take Krishna's place in our heart as soon as there is a slackness on our part. Otherwise, if Krishna's seated always, maya has no opportunity to occupy the seat.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Upendra, (Los Angeles, February 1, 1969)

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Supreme Controller

srila prabhupada quotes 
Krishna, known as Govinda, is the supreme controller. He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin, for He is the prime cause of all causes.

Krishna is my Friend

The more one understands that Krishna is my friend and my duty is to serve my Dearest Friend, the more one can know that he is advancing in Krishna Consciousness.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Hamsaduta, (Los Angeles, November 24, 1968)

Supreme Consciousness

The Super soul will never fall under the clutches of this illusory maya and the jiva soul has this tendency.So there is distinction, yet, the two, Super soul and jiva soul are also the same as much as the sunlight and the Sun are qualitatively the same.When the jiva soul accepts the dictates of the Supreme consciousness Super soul, his activities will no longer be for the sake of personal sense gratification but will be only for the purpose of gratifying the senses of Krishna. This attitude of service is the perfection of the living entity.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Hamsaduta, (Los Angeles, November 24, 1968)

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Sri Krishna's Body

srila prabhupada quotes

Krishna's body is a symbol of complete knowledge and bliss.

Sweet Transcendental Pleasure

In humble submission the devotee finds such sweet transcendental pleasure that no more he is interested in the nonsense material world and no more he is affected by the influence of the inferior energy, the maya.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Gurudasa, (Los Angeles, December 1, 1968)

Monday, 14 July 2014

Freedom from Material Life

srila prabhupada quotes

To attain freedom from material life, one must take to Krishna Consciousness.

Pure Love of Godhead, or Prema

When one becomes accustomed to inoffensive chanting,then his fruit is that he is promoted to the stage of pure Love of Godhead, or prema. This prema is the perfectional stage of consciousness and the most blissful by very far.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to (Sivananda, Los Angeles, December 4, 1968)

Krishna is a Greatest Scholar

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu represented Himself as a very foolish disciple even though He proved Himself as the greatest scholar and was actually Krishna Himself. So one who feels humble and meek has the door for the Kingdom of God opened for him or her.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Janaki, (Los Angeles, December 9, 1968)

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Supreme Lord

srila prabhupada quotes

Nothing is impossible for the Supreme Lord but all His actions are wonderful for us and thus He is always beyond the range of our conceivable limits.

Serving Krishna and Pray to Krishna

It is understood that everyone has some nasty habits, but by sticking to Krishna Consciousness, chanting our required rounds loudly, and tending the deities, these items will surely save you. So always be seriously engaged in serving Krishna and pray to Krishna to help you with your frailties.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Upendra, (Los Angeles, December 9, 1968)

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Krishna is Controller

Krishna is Controller and we are controlled. When we simply remember to accept the control of Krishna and not to act independently then all fortune is automatically present.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Brahmananda, (Los Angeles, December 11, 1968)

Tarka Mudra

srila prabhupad

Another significant word is tarka mudra. This indicates that the fingers are open and the second finger is raised, along with the arm, to impress the audience with some subject matter. This is actually a symbolic representation. SB 4.6.38

Little Gap in Sincere Service of Krishna

Do not let even one minute go by without doing some sort of service for Krishna. Because as soon as there is a little gap of Krishna Consciousness, immediately maya makes an attack to grab us again. So keep up with your … engagements and always think of Krishna so that Maya will not have a second's opportunity to try to conquer you. And Krishna gives all assurance that the sincere devotee will never know defeat.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Upendra, Los Angeles, January 16, 1969

Friday, 4 July 2014

Alert in Utilizing the Time

srila prabhupada quotes

One cannot calculate the amount of loss there is in wasting valuable time, Either materially or spiritually, one should be very alert in utilizing the time which he has at his disposal.

Prosecuting Krishna Consciousness

For prosecuting Krishna Consciousness one should not eat more than what is needed. One should not endeavor beyond his capacity. One should not talk unnecessarily. What one should do is chant the Holy Name of the Lord with faith, enthusiasm, and firm conviction on the statement of Lord Chaitanya that simply by chanting the Maha Mantra one can be gradually elevated to the highest platform of spiritual perfection.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Kanupriya, (Los Angeles, January 15, 1969)

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Worth of Chanting of the Holy Name of Krishna

srila prabhupada nectar

It is said that wherever the chanting of the holy name of Krishna is done, even negligently, all bad elements witches, ghosts and dangerous calamities-immediately disappear.

The Success of Human Life

The success of human life is considered when one fully surrenders his life, his wealth, his intelligence and his words for the benefit of the Lord.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Mrs Levine, (Los Angeles, January 10, 1969)

Principle of Work

The fruits of our work are always given to Krishna and so Krishna accepts the responsibility of what these fruits shall be. So this is our principle of work.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Gargamuni, (Los Angeles, December 19, 1968)

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Real aim is for a Living entity

The real aim is for a living entity to give up all selfish satisfaction and to be prepared to satisfy the Supreme.

Remedy for Material Life

So our remedy for material life is very simple, simply to chant for Krishna, to dance for Krishna, to work, prepare nice foods for Krishna and then cent per cent we become fully free from all other influences. Please always remember this secret and show by example to all others.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Himavati, (Los Angeles, December 12, 1968)

Vaishnava Symptoms

Lord Chaitanya taught us to be humbler than the grass on the street and more tolerant than the tree. These symptoms are Vaishnava symptoms.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Gargamuni, (Los Angeles, February 5, 1969)