Ratha yatra

Friday, 30 May 2014

Don't try to see God

Don't try to see God. Act in such a way that God will see you.

About Krishna

Krishna is very kind to the meek and simple, so dullness of the material world and consciousness about Krishna go well together. Too much intelligence in material activities are detraction from Krishna Consciousness. There is a nice story about Bharata Maharaja, who remained just like a dullard, in order to avoid material association. And he was known as Jada Bharata, but when he was tested, Maharaja Rohugan found him highly advanced in Krishna Consciousness, and became his disciple.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Madhavi Lata, (Montreal, June 20, 1968)

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Get Freedom From the Encagement

We spirit soul, we have been en-caged within this body, so our natural aspiration is to get freedom from this encagement. As much as the bird is struggling to get freedom from the cage.

Super Soul

In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna says that I am the Super soul everywhere. So Krishna is so kind that He is always with us as friend; if we can learn to treat Him with our friendly love and affection the reciprocation is permanent, and that is the highest success of our human form of life.

 Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Jadurani, (Montreal, June 20, 1968)

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Everything Belongs to Lord

Renuciation is complete when it is in the knowledge that everything in existence belongs to the Lord and that no one should claim proprietorship over anything.

Spiritual Strength

The more you forget about nonsense material enjoyment, you must know you are advancing in Krishna Consciousness. You haven't got to ask anybody how you are making progress, you will realize yourself by this test. Just like a person taking lunch, he will feel satisfied of hunger and strength, himself. Similarly, the more you serve Krishna, you will forget material hankerings and get spiritual strength.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Sachisuta, Montreal, June 17, 1968

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Lamp in a Windless Place

As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the transcendent self.

Krishna is Unlimited

Krishna is unlimited, but the more we advance in service attitude, we appreciate Him in newer and newer features. There is a verse spoken by Yamuna Acharya. He says, since I have begun to realize the newer and newer features of Krishna, I have forgotten more and more about material enjoyment.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Sachisuta, Montreal, June 17, 1968

Sunday, 25 May 2014

For Service Attitude for Krishna

The more you become in service attitude for Krishna; Krishna will reveal Himself to you. Krishna is within you and He is awaiting your surrender and service, and as soon as He sees that you are seriously in serving mood, you will understand everything about Krishna - His qualities, His form, His pastimes, His entourage, and His abode. 

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Sachisuta, Montreal, June 17, 1968

Friday, 23 May 2014

God and His Arrangement

God is complete and His arrangement is also very complete. Everyone has his necessities of life completely.

Spiritual Platform

On the spiritual platform, the service rendered by a calf to Krishna and service rendered by Radharani and Her Associates, to Krishna, there is no difference. Krishna is so kind and liberal that everyone's service, when it is sincerely offered to Krishna, He accepts.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Tamala Krishna, Montreal, August 19, 1968

Thursday, 22 May 2014

How to Become Most Intelligent Men

Krishna Consciousness is a difficult job for less intelligent persons. But one who understands Krishna Consciousness and acts accordingly, he should be accepted as spiritually the strongest man. In the Chaitanya Charitamrita it is said that persons who take to Krishna Consciousness are supposed to be the most intelligent men.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Satsvarupa, (Los Angeles, January 30, 1968)

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Under Krishna's Control

Everything is under Krishna's control, so actually there is no scarcity. The only scarcity is a scarcity of Krishna consciousness.

Material World and Spiritual World

In the material world, the gold box and the gold plated box may be different in price, but in the spiritual world there is no such distinction. There the gold box and the gold plated box are the same. In the material world there is difference between a sweeper and a cook; in the spiritual world a person who sweeps the temple and a person who worships in the temple are all the same. That is absolute knowledge.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Madhusudana, Los Angeles, February 1, 1968

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Glorify the Lord

The purpose of going to a place of pilgrimage is to get the chance to glorify the Lord.

To Become Servant of God

A devotee should always remain humble and meek especially to the authorities and devotees. Lord Chaitanya's philosophy is not to become God, but to become servant, servant, servant of God.The more one becomes the lower grade servant of the Lord, the more he is devoted nearer to the Lord. This is our philosophy.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Jayagovinda, (Los Angeles, February 8, 1968)

Monday, 19 May 2014

Result of Devotional Service

The real result of devotional service is the awakening of pure Love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which continues under all circumstances.

Chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

While chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna you should always feel the presence of Krishna in Person and as soon as you remember Krishna in Person you can remember also about His talks with Arjuna.If you cannot remember Krishna in Person you should try to hear attentively the word Krishna, Hare as you go on chanting.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Ballabhi: (New York, May 5,  1967)

Material to Spiritual Transformation

The spirit soul does not evolve like the body. The body has got six transformations, namely, the body takes its birth, it grows, it remains for some time, it produces some by-products and it dwindles and then it vanishes. All these six changes of the body are not applicable to the soul. The soul is permanent. It has no development, no decrease, no destruction, nothing of the sort as compared with the body. The only difficulty of the soul is that in the conditioned state of material body, the soul is supposed to forget its identity; by chanting Hare Krishna gradually the soul revives its identity or it comes out from the forgetfulness. This is not exactly development, but it is reviving one's consciousness. Everything will be gradually clear as you go on chanting Hare Krishna. Please try to chant at least 16 rounds of the beads and while chanting try to hear each and every word. That will make you advance in every respect. 

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Ballabhi: (New York, May 5,  1967)

Careful About Attack of Maya

The Maya is very strong and as soon as there is opportunity the Maya will come and attack. Therefore everyone should be very careful against the attack of Maya. And the only effective defense is to remain Krishna consciousness always.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Mukunda:  (New York, May 13, 1967)

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Krishna Causes

Krishna is the cause of all causes

Progress in Krishna Consciousness

One should always feel very humble, that will help one to make progress in Krishna Consciousness. So your humble feeling that you are shrouded by illusion is very nice, at the same time your feeling that Krishna Consciousness is so nice that it makes everything easy.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Malati: New York, May 4, 1967

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

God Consciousness

Ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next.

Sufficient Requirement

For plain living we must have sufficient land for raising crops and pasturing grounds for the cows. If there is sufficient grains and production of milk, then the whole economic problem is solved. You do not require any machines, cinema, hotels, slaughterhouses, brothels, nightclubs— all these modern amenities.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Hayagriva, (Montreal, June 14, 1968)

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Receiving Krishna Consciousness

Receiving Krishna Consciousness means receiving light.

Devotional Service

You just remain fixed up in devotional service, and all impediments that may come will be vanquished by the unlimited potency of the Lord. We should have faith in His Power, His Grace, and His Causeless Mercy.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Michael, (San Francisco, March 18, 1968)

Monday, 12 May 2014

Lord Serving Requirements

For serving the Lord, we require to sacrifice our life, our wealth, our intelligence, and our words. One can serve the Lord with these four possessions; if not, with three, if not, then with two or even one, and that is sufficient to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Gargamuni, (Montreal, June 7, 1968)

Krishna as your Father

If you accept Krishna as your father, He'll give you all protection.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Friend of Lord Krsihna

Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction. The more you advance in Krishna Consciousness, chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, the more you become spiritually advanced and happy in all respects.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Ballabhim (New York, April 22, 1967)

Every Living Thing has Soul

Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another but we have to consider the central point of interest. do not take at any time an attitude of non-cooperation because  you  may have not agreed with another's point of view. 

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Yamuna devi and Harsarani devi, (Los Angeles, January 15, 1968)

Real knowledge is Revealed

There may be doubts and skepticism, if one continues the chanting process, the doubts will all disappear, and real knowledge will be revealed by the Grace of Krishna.  Maya may put so many doubts and worthless arguments into our minds, but if we continue the chanting, the curing process will go on, never mind the doubts.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Terry & Associates, (San Francisco, March 22, 1968)

God is so Kind

The Lord is so kind that He has Spread the River Ganges throughout the universe so that by taking bath in that holy river everyone can get release from the reactions of sins, which occur at every step.

Surrendered unto Krishna

So long we are individual souls, there must be disagreement also, because that is the symptom of individuality. But when such individual is surrendered unto Krishna, there should not be any disagreement 

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Anirudha, (Allston, May 30, 1968)

Krishna and Vrindavan Connection

We should always know that Vrindavan is not localized in a particular area, but that wherever Krishna is there, Vrindavan is automatically there. And wherever the Holy Name of Krishna is chanted, Krishna is present there because there is no difference between Krishna and His Holy Name.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Kirtanananda, (Allston, May 23, 1968)

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Science of God

First take the science of God very seriously, then put your trust in Him.

Devotional Service

Execution of devotional service is prescribed first with enthusiasm and patience. One can execute this transcendental activities staying as he is, but he must follow and try to apply in practical life the instructions as they are given in the Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, received through the proper channel.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Dayananda, (Allston, May 10, 1968)

Ambition for Chanting Hare Krishna

Your ambition for chanting Hare Krishna exclusively is very good. But sacrificing the results of action is as good. A concrete example is Arjuna. He fought very chivalrously under the instructions of the Lord, and the Lord certified him to be the best devotee and friend of the Lord. So there is no distinction between chanting and offering the results of one's activity. Sometimes under the garb of chanting people take to the habit of laziness.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Dayananda, (Allston, May 10, 1968)

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Lord of the Universe

All glories to Lord Kesava, who assumed the form of a dwarf. O lord of the universe, who takes away everything inauspicious for the devotees! O wonderful Vamanadeva! You tricked the great demon Bali Maharaja by Your steps. The water that touched the nails of Your lotus feet when You pierced through the covering of the univers purifies all living entities in the form of the River Ganges.

Employed in the Service of the Lord

There are four things desirable in this material world, namely, good parentage, sumptuous wealth, sufficient education, and good beauty. These things are sometimes impediments in the service of the Lord because such persons with great parentage, wealth, etc., become materially puffed up, and thus deviate from Krishna Consciousness, but when they are employed in the service of the Lord, their value becomes many more times greater. Just like zero has no value, but when zero is placed on right side of one, the value of zero enhances to 10 times; similarly, our life, wealth, intelligence, and words become 100 times 100 greater and greater if they are employed in the service of the Lord.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Janardana, (New York, April 26, 1968)