Ratha yatra

Monday, 31 March 2014

Super Soul and Jiva Soul

The Super soul will never fall under the clutches of this illusory maya and the jiva soul has this tendency. So there is distinction, yet, the two, Super soul and jiva soul are also the same as much as the sunlight and the Sun are qualitatively the same. When the jiva soul accepts the dictates of the Supreme consciousness Super soul, his activities will no longer be for the sake of personal sense gratification but will be only for the purpose of gratifying the senses of Krishna. This attitude of service is the perfection of the living entity.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Hamsaduta, (Los Angeles, November 24, 1968)

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Drabyamulyena Suddhati, Vedic literature

There is a verse in Vedic literature, Drabyamulyena Suddhati.The source of receipt of the thing, may be not very good, but if one pays for it, it becomes purified. So, vegetable diet when it is paid for, you can offer it in your mind to Krishna and take it. But this Drabya means eatables, and eatables meaning vegetables, grains, milk, flowers, fruits; meat is not considered an eatable—it is considered untouchable. Just like if somebody purchases some stool, that does not mean it is now purified. So meat is like that... And this  Drabyamulyena Suddhati is only in special cases like this. It is not to be done ordinarily, or unless in special circumstance. We should prepare our own foodstuff and offer as much as possible, of course.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Brahmananda, (Seattle, October 6, 1968)

Message of Krishna

When we remember to always have unflinching faith in the spiritual master and the message of Krishna, we are automatically freed from the attack of Maya. In the material concept also everyone is trying to avoid the onslaughts of Maya but without any success. To the sincere devotee, however, this ocean of Maya is easily crossed by the cool breeze of Krishna's Grace.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Shyamasundara,(Los Angeles, November 24, 1968)

Lord Krishna is my Friend

The more one understands that Krishna is my friend and my duty is to serve my Dearest Friend, the more one can know that he is advancing in Krishna Consciousness.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Hamsaduta, (Los Angeles, November 24, 1968)

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Purpose of Krishna Consciousness

Devotional service means that we have to employ our energies for the purpose of Krishna Consciousness, and it does not matter what is the volume of such energy, because different persons have got different type of energies,but the best means is that one has to apply his energy as far as possible, that is the secret of success in Krishna Consciousness.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Anirudha, (Montreal, August 24, 1968)

Friday, 21 March 2014

Spiritual Assets

Many men come here and by their talents, earn huge amounts of money, but it remains here, and he goes alone with his works only to accept another different kind of body, forgetting everything behind. But if he acquires some spiritual assets it goes with him, and even if it is not perfect in this life, it begins again from that point in next life.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Unknown,( Los Angeles, November 23, 1968)


Please Remind me to Chant Hare Krishna

Simply our prayer should be, my dear Krishna, please remind me to always chant Your Holy Name; please do not put me into forgetfulness. You are sitting within me as Super soul, so you can put me into forgetfulness or into remembering you. So please do not put me into forgetfulness. Please always remind me to chant, even you send me into the hell; it doesn't matter, just so long as I can always chant Hare Krishna.


Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Devananda, (Los Angeles, November 23, 1968)


Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Chanting Hare Krishna

We have to wait for the cure of our material diseases, and proportionately as we become recovered from the disease, the supplies of pleasant things will automatically come. But we must always know that there is nothing more pleasant than Hare Krishna. When we will be able to relish the transcendental pleasure, in Chanting Hare Krishna, that will be the sign of our recovery from material diseases.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Tamala Krishna, (Montreal, July 16, 1968)


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Krishna Consciousness Movement

Water from the sky falling down on the ground looks muddy, but water is not muddy, it is clear. When the water is again filtered, and muddy things are precipitated, the water comes to its original lustre, crystal clear. So our Krishna Consciousness movement is that we have to clear our consciousness by the transcendental addition of Krishna chemical. Then everything will be nice and clear, and we shall be able to see our identification without any designation.

Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Chidananda, (Montreal, July 12, 1968)